I'm a list maker. Something about writing it down, and more importantly, crossing it off the list makes me feel like I've really accomplished something. I was inspired to not just create a resolution for 2012, but to make a list of things to do from a book I just read. I finished
The Next Thing on My List by Jill Smolenski on New Year's Eve. It's about a woman who was in a car accident and her passenger was killed. The passenger had created a list of things she wanted to accomplish before she turned 25. The driver felt like she should finish it to honor her memory. Thus, my list of things to accomplish in 2012 was born. I tried not to make my goals too lofty so that I can actually cross them off the list. Today I tried 4.) Cook with and learn to love a new vegetable. After I try the soup I made, I'll report back on my success. I found a friend to walk a 5K with me in May and I'm 5/5 on praying every day and reading
Jesus Calling. Here's to crossing everything off the list by December 31, 2012.